Personal Trainer / BioSignature Practitioner

A BioSignature Journey: The End

Well here I am, at the end of my BioSignature journey, end of my challenge to becoming a better, leaner, fitter and healthier me 🙂 going back to when I started, that was my goal. Did I reach it? Did I achieve what I wanted out of this journey? Well I had my doubts before, many doubts on the way but looking at my history of results and analyzing it now, I can confidently say YES, finally I did reach my goal!

Looking at the results I was thinking of the best way to display all these BioSignature numbers in an understandable manner and figured out the best way is to use line graphs, coming from a scientific background, to show the progression and improvement of results over a specified period of time of 12 weeks.

Results positive points:Slide20

  • Chin/Cheek: Chin 7.4 to 5.6, giving me a more defined face structure for a leaner look. Not much on the Cheeks though but I didn’t have big cheeks to start with. 😀
  • Pectoral (Testosterone): 5.2 to 3.8, great improvement correlated more with better options of protein intake than with training. Got a “Well done” from Douglas.
  • Triceps: Your personal nightmare is a stubborn site but is starting to move down from 20.8 to 14.3, positive point from healthier choices in the long run, correlated with the balance in hormones.
  • Carbs (S-Scap): Still not below 10, but it’s on the way now at 11.5 down from 15.3, better choices of carbohydrates will help. Nice result from priority 2 it became 4. On the way to being carb tolerant.
  • Thyroid (Midax): Main Site of general health and metabolic system getting lower from down from 12 to 6, as Douglas always says, “the lower it goes the better you look”.
  •  Insulin (Supra) and Stress/Cortisol (Umbil): Mid-Section sites, my weakest most challenging points in my opinion, are lowering together, great sign of less inflammation in my system, insulin down from 14.3 to 8.4  from priority 5 down to 8. Stress went down as well from 13.6 down to 9.7 so end result is looking flatter.


Results negative points:

  • Quadrip/Hamst (Estrogen): Both sites improved compared to the starting point but went up towards the end. The line graph dip in Quadrip to 10.8 was measured after the Estrogen detox then looks like levels went up again. This means ratios of toxicity still high, and probably exposition to toxic materials like fish high in mercury, water, and inflammatory products high in Omega 6.
  • Knee/Calves (Growth Hormone): Slight improvement in Calves but still up there at priority 3. Knee stayed at priority 12 so anyway the lowest priority for me.  Issue here is lack of a good quality sleep. Timing of bedtime is important and a relaxing night, free of spots of light and sounds is crucial. Douglas advises to be sure our electronics are off and away, nothing is better than a night free from radiation.

The last slide shows the total of the body sites measured. According to Douglas, the results showed a lot of improvement in my general health and that’s a sign and feedback of a successful program. Most of the body sites went down few of those were significant drops, as Carbs, Testosterone, Insulin and Thyroid.

Looking closely at the results for this journey, I decreased 2 Kg of Body weight, increased 1.2 Kg in Lean mass and dropped 4.2% of Body fat so around 86% of my weight is lean mass. The slight 100 g  loss in lean mass towards the end was due to lack of strength training and can be easily solved by increasing it during the weekly workout. When you look at it not much body weight was lost this year, but to begin with that was not my main aim coming from a mostly healthy lifestyle and having done a taster BioSignature program before in 2012. I learned from my past experience that it’s not just about weight but it’s more about body fat, lean mass plus all the other body sites measured, it’s looking at the results from all perspectives. A common misconception in fitness is that people need to get healthy by losing weight. In reality, it is much better to lose weight by getting healthy.

The BioSignature program helped me improve my health while improving my body composition. Douglas, with this program, guided me on my fat loss journey, showed me how to do it in the healthiest way so my results will last. I learnt that when it comes to where you accumulate and store fat, you need to look at your hormones.  Hormones basically tell the body what to do with its resources and energy and if you want to drastically improve the way you look and feel, it all starts with controlling your hormones. Really amazing !

Douglas evaluation was: “You look leaner and actually you look much stronger and solid especially on the lower body.” I also feel stronger and leaner, I fit better in clothes, dropped a dress size and feel more confident. I ended this journey with a 3 day juice cleanse to restore my body which made me feel lighter and cleaner. I felt it was a nice refreshing end to this long tough journey…phew!

“Well your challenge is done, I do believe that now you are much more aware about health and fitness, but more important you are aware about yourself and your body, learned to listen to it and respect the limits and signs your body constantly gives you. Time to find inside you another challenge, another goal, something that will keep you going and help you to Stay Hungry.”- Douglas Leandro

Yes, I guess my challenge is done and I achieved my goal, I learnt to listen to my body more, make healthy choices, eat clean and most of all eat what’s right for me. My journey was full of ups and downs but this is the beauty of it and when you reach your destination you feel it was worth it, worth every sweat and I actually enjoyed the process, the journey and blogging about it even more than the destination. The bad news is that the journey is over but the good news is there is more to do and ‘I am Still Hungry’.

Thanks Douglas for this great experience, your ingenious, believing in me when I was doubtful, motivating me to complete this program successfully and most of all for making me ‘Stay hungry’!

The BioSignature Journey blogger,

Hana Feidi 🙂

One response

  1. hfeidi

    Reblogged this on My Journey and commented:

    Read about my fitness Biosignatute journey from the start till The End post …

    April 8, 2014 at 2:53 pm

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