Personal Trainer / BioSignature Practitioner

The BioSignature Journey: After 8 weeks

Well here we are again after 8 weeks so what’s happening with us?

According to Douglas we are passing through a very delicate period of our journey, that’s the time, that you find yourself asking “why the hell am I doing this?” It is such a challenging time, where you already passed hard times and you know that you still have more to go.

Douglas measured us as usual and the results we got it till now are very satisfactory, but…we are not looking to be satisfied but incredibly happy with the results. As we get leaner, it gets harder to drop more body fat%. But our real target isn’t only to drop it but balance a better lifestyle and must important sustainable one.

Based on Douglas’s analysis of the results, my partner lost weight and body fat, but unfortunately lost muscle mass as well, it was correlated with the time of travel with no training. Triceps  went up and Quads as well but sometimes a little change of routine can change it. In another perspective, if you look at the priorities they are on progress, because actually 3 of them went down, plus going down in another 5 sites : Carbs, Thyroid , Insulin, Cortisol and Liver. Overall good results, but we still aiming for more.

As for me, the results were a bit more complex. First of all there was weight gain and its more than enough to make a female to freak out. But if you look closely at the results we can see an increase in Lean mass, a decrease in body fat % and a tremendous improvement in lifestyle, specially in the Thyroid. Looking at the negative points, probably because of the New Year’s Eve, increased sugar intake automatically raised Insulin levels, and Carbs Intolerance which could easily be fixed by balancing the food intake again. On the other hand, the positive points: 2 out of the 3 priorities decreased considerably like Quads dropped 21 and calf dropped 5 points thus changing the order of my priorities.

These measurements were taken after the new years festive season where there were, dinners, celebrations, vacations, travels etc. where temptations were countless and any slips all showed in the negative side of  numbers (the time I wrote the Cheating post). But the positive side of numbers we have currently also show that both of us have never been leaner as we are today, we are on target with our priorities with a slight shuffle, but it’s not enough.

Accordingly, Douglas put us on a 3 day vegetable detox and we started the next phase of our journey which is the Estrogen detox and Fiber cycle with related vitamins and supplements like EstroClear, EstroDefense and also the Primal Fiber series of 3 (not so delicious but so good for you). The start of the detox was tough really being only on vegetables trying to get creative with your options and asking Douglas countless questions as usual. We started primal fiber 2 which tasted a bit better than the first one or maybe just got used to it, our tasted buds adjusted 😀 I just can’t imagine the amount of supplements we need to take, it’s more than the food we can eat!


We are committed to our nutrition and training plan, cheating meal of once a week, training as hard as we can, taking our supplements and all we need is continued determination, motivation and will power to complete this journey.

Now we are looking for the results after the detox!

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